Pilates for fidgets - and why movement is life!
I’ve always loved to move - a childhood spent climbing trees and building dens turned into many happy teenage years teaching ski-ing at my local dry ski-slope. And then there was rock climbing, and trail running, and mountain biking and lifting weights, and generally being a first class fidget!!
But gradually, hours at a desk replaced hours spent moving. And achy niggles started to appear… and hang around for longer. I could no longer seamlessly switch from workplace to workout…
Being in pain much of the time, my mission became to move more - and to move better! And Pilates became my perfect companion - building strength, balance and alignment, whilst having fun and feeling really, really good :)
Keen to fully understand the functional and clinical aspects of Pilates, I trained to be an instructor and now love sharing my passion for Pilates with the world…!
In my opinion, a good Pilates session feels like a great workout, plus an awesome massage, all in one. I love the feeling of being strengthened, stretched, mobilised and balanced. Pilates practise really connects you to your breath, raises your body awareness, challenges positions and movement that you wouldn’t otherwise explore, creates beautifully toned muscles, engages the brain and focus, encourages mindfulness, develops strength, and just makes everything move better. (As one of my clients described it - “it takes the heave away from getting up off the floor”!)
Whether your goals are injury recovery or prevention, strengthening, flexibility, relaxation, athletic performance, mobility or overall fitness - Pilates has you covered. Every Pilates move involves strengthening and stretching something - with a strong focus on mobility. Plus, we can add in balance work, cardio, nerve glides and fascial releases; we can build stability, calm the body and release tension so that we can feel the body better and improve overall function.
Getting into how the body was actually designed will improve our experiences for the rest of our lives. Movement is the foundation of vitality - it’s how we nourish our bodies, clear our minds, and connect with the world. To move more and move better is to live more fully.
I plan to keep moving in as many dimensions as possible for as many years as I have!
If you’d like to learn how Pilates can improve your life, please get in touch!